How to trade your Simracer Coin on
If you would like to trade your Simracer Coin for fiat currency (“real money”) or a different kind of cryptocurrency, you will first have to trade them for Ether on the exchange. Catex is the only exchange Simracer Coin is listed currently, but this will change in the near future.
Step 1 — Register in
The first step of this process is creating an account on the Catex exchange. You can do this by going to and clicking the “register” button shown in the top right-hand corner, next to the log-in button, as shown in the image below:
Once you have followed the registration procedure, you will be able to login and navigate through the exchange.
Step 2- Copy your Simracer Coin address in Catex
The next step is to send your Simracer Coin (SRC) to your Catex wallet, from the wallet where your tokens are currently held (we’ll assume that is a Metamask wallet). To do this, you will need to click on the ‘Asset’ button at the top of the option bar on the Catex website, shown here:
From there, go to the “Deposit” button on the left-hand side of the screen, at the top of the various options, as shown by the image below:
You should now see a page that looks like this:
In the “Coin” dropdown box at the top, type in “SRC” and you will see Simracer Coin become an option to choose within the dropdown box, select this.
Once this is selected, a “wallet address” should appear in the box below, this will be a mixture of numbers and lower-case letters. The code will start with 0x and is typically 42 characters long.
This is your own personal Catex wallet address for Simracer Coin, and so this is the address you will need to send your Simracer coins as well. Using the copy button on the right-hand side (shown in the image above), you can copy this address.
Step 3 — Send you Simracer Coin to
Since we’re assuming the Simracer Coins are being sent from a Metamask wallet, you will now have to use the send button on Metamask to send them over to your Catex wallet on the Catex exchange. To do this, go to your Metamask account and use the “send” button in the middle of the assets screen. Shown here:
Once selected, paste the copied wallet address from the Catex site into the ‘Send to’ bar on your Metamask wallet, as shown below.
You will then select “SRC” in the “Asset” Dropdown menu and select the amount of Simracer coins you would like to send to the Catex exchange. For this example, we’re going to send 200 SRC:
Once the amount is selected, press the next button. This will take you to a confirmation page, where you will see a small fee known as a “gas fee”. This is a fee for transferring funds on the Ethereum blockchain; therefore, your Metamask wallet will need some Ether to pay for this transaction.
The price of the gas fee can vary due to volume on the Ethereum network. So in order to save yourself some Ethereum, wait until this price is low before confirming. In the example above, we can see that the price for the gas fee is 0.001364 ETH, which at the moment (when the article is being written) is equivalent to $1.73. When you are happy with the gas price, you will need to complete the transaction at the bottom of this window by selecting the “confirm” button.
Once you have signed the transaction to transfer your coins, you should soon see that your tokens have left your Metamask wallet and are now on the Catex exchange. Don’t worry if they’re not there instantly. It can sometimes take a little time to see the funds on the Catex exchange while the transaction is happening. You can check the details as well as the progress of your transfer by looking at the Etherscan transaction receipt you will have received via Metamask after sending the coins.
Now that your coins are stored on your Catex wallet, you should be able to see them on the “Assets” page.
Step 4 — Trade your SRC for Ether
To trade your Simracer Coins for Ether, you will then have to navigate to the “Trading” button at the top of the Catex options bar.
When hovering over the “trading” button, you can choose between “basic” or “advanced”. For this tutorial, we will follow the steps using the “basic” version. The steps are very similar in advanced, but there can be some additional steps to take.
Once you’re in the basic trading screen, the default trading pair will appear. This means the “ETH/BTC” pairing.
You will need to find the SRC/ETH trade pairing. To find this, you will need to select the “ETH” option on the right-hand side (shown below) and type SRC into the search bar that appears below.
Once you’ve typed SRC in, the SRC/ETH pairing will appear below this box. Click the pairing link to be taken to the Simracer Coin trading page.
Once you’re on the SRC/ETH trading page, you will see a graph that indicates the Simracer Coin price in relation to Ethereum. As shown above, at the time of creating this article, 1 Simracer Coin was worth 0.0000116 Ethereum.
You will also see some other data, there is an orders section where you can see orders to buy or sell a set amount of SRC for a required price (red are sell orders, green are buy orders). There will also be a trading history section where you can see past buying or selling of SRC.
To trade your SRC to Ether, you will have to navigate to the “Sell” section at the bottom left of the SRC/ETH trading page.
Here you can set the price you would like to sell your SRC for in the “Price” section or you can pick a price from the buy/sell orders list that appears on top; In this example we’re selling 200 SRC shown by the “amount”, at a price of 0.0000116 Ethereum per 1 SRC.
Before pressing “Sell SRC” you will see the total amount of Ethereum the trade will be worth. In this case, it is 0.00232 Ethereum.
Once you have pressed the “Sell SRC” button as shown above, a final confirmation box will appear.
Once this is confirmed, you will see your order at the bottom of the page in the “My Order” section.
In this section, you can track the progress of your order and see what time it was listed. You can also see, as a percentage, how many of your sell or buy orders have been filled. This is shown as a percentage since your SRC will likely be bought in segments from various orders over time. It is also possible to cancel your listing on the right-hand side and re-list at a different price if needed.
Being still a low-volume token it can take some time for your order to be completed but if you select one of the buy orders already existent the amount in that order is instantly traded (but make sure your happy with the price of that buy order).
After having the Ether you can send it to an exchange like Coinbase or Binance and there it’s possible to sell if for fiat currency.
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